I look upon this website as an opportunity for interaction  with my friends and well wishers. While the primary focus is on education, management education in particular, my blogs cover experiences in other fields including personal experiences right from childhood to the present day.

These blogs should facilitate interaction on management practices, management education and education management. For over a quarter century, I have been closely associated with management education and educational planning and administration. And  I believe  both will undergo fundamental changes in the coming decade.

Sam Pitroda recently remarked that the next revolution in India will be in education. In 1990, if anyone had predicted the state the Indian economy is in today, few would have considered him mentally sound. The same disbelief and doubt prevails in the education sector today.

The changes  that can occur may well produce world class colleges and universities in India. They will stand up to global competition the same way as the Indian global companies are now doing.

But all this cannot be taken for granted. We need wide  discussion not only among  educational administrators but among the general public who are the most important stake holders .I do hope that such discussion will surface on this website and several others.